PUCEST® concrete discharge hopper
After the first hopper of our then new mixing plant was worn out after 5 years, we dismantled it and drove the hopper frame directly to the Pucest company in Elsenfeld. There, the PUCEST team fitted us with a new lining to fit exactly. Now the hopper has been in use for 12 years and only now the first signs of wear are showing. We had twisted the lining a few times to compensate for the uneven abrasion.
Of course we are very satisfied with this result and next time we will have the renewal done by PUCEST again.
Results to date:
After using the PUCEST® liner, material caking and sticking have improved significantly. The overall material flow is significantly optimized.
As a result, we have been able to increase the output of the entire plant and relieve the employees, which in turn creates more time for their actual tasks.
Today, there is also considerably less wear and tear than before on the chute, all this in connection with a lower noise emission. All this has led to the fact that the use and investment in a lining of the company PUCEST® protect in the cost/benefit behavior has been extremely positive so far.