Faster and more efficient maintenance
Equipment concerned: mixing tools, material chutes, material weigher
Produced / conveyed materials: gravel, concrete
Reason for repair / installation: flexible, easy to install, low-wear
Used PUCEST product: mixing tools, flex plates, repair kit
Teka compulsory mixer, cleaning, complicated by angled arms, many opportunities for concrete to accumulate
Experience with previously used materials prior to the use of PUCEST:
Maintenance work was previously much more time-consuming and also more tedious
Improvement / facilitation through the use of PUCEST:
Flexible adjustment for individual work ( material slides, mixing tools, rep. kit )
Time savings through the use of PUCEST:
in about 50%
What relief did the optimization bring for the employees?
Faster and more efficient maintenance is possible
Service life / lifetime after the use of PUCEST:
Lifetime has doubled
Conclusion / Feedback:
The simplification of work through the use of Pucest products has clearly shown itself positively in everyday life. The flexible handling allows us many new ways. Mixing tools/forced mixers should offer less surface for concrete to attack in order to facilitate cleaning.