At our customer’s plant, there were repeated problems during transportation on the conveyor belt. The material (mainly sand) ran under the side guide and the entire conveyor belt had to be completely cleaned at relatively short intervals. The PUCEST material guidance protects the belt and ensures an even material flow. The material guide is a combination of PUCEST plates with and without perforated plates. The perforated plates are used for fastening and stabilization, the pure PU part has slight contact with the conveyor belt due to its pre-tension and automatically adjusts itself so that no material falls off to the left or right. The wear protection can be assembled at any height and length and combined with other PUCEST plates.
The edges of the silo (as can be seen in the picture) were repeatedly caked and prevented the aggregates from sliding down evenly. First, the caking was laboriously chiseled out and the silo was completely cleaned. The PUCEST panels were then cut to size and bolted to the base of the silo. The protruding silo mounts and gaps were masked off and filled with our PUCEST TIX filler. The silo was completely lined by us with PUCEST sheets with perforated sheet inlay in a thickness of 20 mm and 85 Shore.
There is now no caking of material on the side walls and cleaning is only very rarely necessary in the silo and on the conveyor belt – if at all…