The PUCEST Pocket-Panel

The PUCEST pocket panel impresses with simple assembly of individual modules on retaining strips. These modules are mounted step by step. A buffer and clamping strip provides additional safety and stability of the PUCEST pocket panel.

The combination of the low-cost PUCEST PU 65° Sh A plate with highly wear-resistant carbide and steel plates for higher wear requirements gives you increased service life while reducing costs.

Pucest protect GmbH Fächerprallwand
PUCEST PU Fächerprallwand Modul

PUCEST PU pocket panel module

PUCEST Hartmetall Fächerprallwand Modul

PUCEST Carbide pocket panel Module

PUCEST Stahl Fächerprallwand Modul

PUCEST steel pocket panel module

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